Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Kid's Clubs, Taxis, and HUGE rocks, oh my

Yesterday I got to go to Kid's Club (something kind of like Good News Club or VBS) for the first time. And I didn't get to go to just one but to 2! In the morning I went to the community of La Fe to their weekly Kid's Club hosted by some of my teammates. A visiting short term team had prepared and had songs, a story, games, and crafts! The kids loved it! The team did awesome and I would say that I helped but really I just held a super cute baby the entire time.
me and Dixiana at Kid's Club in La Fe

kids enjoying thier visors and balloons in La Fe

Dixiana and her little brother (aka the baby I held all of Kid's Club instead of helping:)

Then in the afternoon I went to the community of Armenia Bonita about 30 minutes away to the other weekly Kid's Club hosted by a different one of my teammates. This one wasn't hosted by a short-term team so it was more of a routine and the kids at the end recited the answer to the catechism question for the week. The question was (and I'm paraphrasing because it was in Spanish) "Why did God give us the Bible?" I was completely blown away when not once but twice kids who were maybe 4 or 5 came up and repeated the entire answer without any help or prompting! It was incredible! These kids every week are not only hearing the gospel but are memorizing scripture and important foundational gospel truths!

Then today it was a new adventure. I have been spending a lot of time with one of the girls, C, from Puerta de Esperanza, the home for single moms and their babies. Today C needed to go to the bank to pay her college tuition, Shannon was busy with the teams and couldn’t drive her C was going to have to take a taxi. She doesn’t like taking the taxi by herself so I went along. So C, her 10 month old W, and I get into the taxi in front of where I live. (Keep in mind I have only left where I live with team members in their cars up until this point) As we drive off I ask, “Do you know how to get back here because I have no idea?” To which she replies, “I think so, we’ll see.” (She sounds really confident right!) So we get to bank and both realize that neither of us has as much cash as we thought we did. We spend several minutes checking all the pockets of our bags and are still about $.25 short. So the taxi driver realizes what is wrong and is getting a little upset. Finally, luckily (or guess more by God’s provision), C finds more money in the bottom of her bag, so we pay. We go to the bank everything is great. (We intentionally took the baby even though we could have easily left him with someone because here being old, pregnant or holding a small child means you don’t wait in line.) We go back outside get in a taxi and tell the driver “La Isle” which is the neighborhood/community we live in. We come into La Isle and he asks where to. (There are no such things as addresses here and the streets don’t have street signs with names. So you tell people, 200 meters north of this store, or close to this ball field, or next to the 2 story white house.) C responds “I don’t know exact directions but I tell you when I see it.” He was not loving that answer and after driving for a few minutes threatened to put us out right there. Again by God’s provision, because I definitely have no idea how we finally made our way back, we saw a street we both recognized and were able to direct him. So between the adventure of that this morning and the adventure of going to a local river with some kids in Armenia Bonita and jumping off a HUGE, REALLY HIGH rock(I’m terrible with estimating size or distance, so I have no idea how high it really was) this afternoon I’m trying to figure out what to do next J
As a side note, I am still at about 83% of my support so if you would like to give or no some one who would.....

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