Tuesday, June 26, 2012

God's redemptive plan

This morning in chapel we talked about the story of Jonah and how God's plan goes forth regardless of us, but that God chooses to use our obedience. There is evidence of this all throughout the Bible, even though Jonah was disobedient and unfaithful at first God's plan for the redemption of Nineveh still went forth and the 125,000 people of Nineveh still heard God's message and believed. Esther 4:14 says, "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place." These things are true because this isn't a story about us or what we do or how we do it, it never was. Despite what some popular Christian music may say even my salvation wasn't, and isn't still, about me, but God. This is all a story about God and ultimately about him redeeming people from every tongue, tribe, and nation to himself.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Reckless Abandon

This week at school is Spiritual Emphasis Week (I know, cool, right?) so we have a guess speaker who is speaking every morning during our hour break and again every afternoon. His name is David Sitton and he was a missionary for many years to the unreached people of Papua New Guinea, the founder of To Every Tribe (a missons organization to unreached people), and the author of several books including his newest "Reckless Abandon".
One thing he said this morning that really stood out to me was that God could have in the blink of an eye called the nations to himself. He could have chose to use angels (who would have been far less argumentative and wouldn't cling to their comforts or try to bargain with God, they would have been obedient) but he didn't. He instead chooses to use his children for missions and to reach the world. This is very humbling and leaves me in awe of the awesome God I serve. He chooses to use me even though it isn't the easist way. Missions is not to be viewed as an obligation or duty, but a priveledge. I am not needed yet God chooses and desires to use me.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I am thankful for:
-a hot shower this morning
-burritos for lunch(yum)
-an awesome host mom that speaks English and helps me with my homework
-an awesome host little brother who is "muy loco" and runs around the house like a crazy person, but knows how to make me laugh:)
-chapel this morning in English
-a phone call to my dad

Monday, June 11, 2012


Well, I've made it to Costa Rica! And as proof all of my google toolbar is in Spanish. You wouldn't beleive how long it took me to figure out which button to hit to type a new post (and I am still not confident as I type this that it will post like I think it will)! The family I am staying with is awesome! The mom is a few years older than me and is raising her 3 year old son, Ian. Ian and I are destined to be best friends, I know it! He is my motivation to learn Spanish. Within an hour of me arriving he already taught me a new word, "mio". Any guesses as to what that means? Well he's three so of course his favorite word is "mine".

It was fitting that I learned the word "mio" last night and then this morning went to church (in spanish) and the sermon was on Abraham and Isaac and was entitled "Mio o Suyo?" "Mine or Your's?" The pastor at the end of the sermon asked what you were holding onto as yours, "Como tienes esperar?" "What do you have to give?" It hit me just now as I finished taking my cold shower that I am still, despite coming here and despite how God continually proves his faithfulness, holding onto my comfort. I still feel entitled to certain things like showers and water I can drink and a long list of other things. I still feel that God owes me something or that I deserve something. Despite the fact that God already gives me things I don't deserve through his grace daily, like a host family that speaks English, internet access in my room, and the opportunity and calling to be here now, doing what I am doing.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Final Update before I fly!

Hello Friends!

Well, the time has finally arrived! I fly out of Charlotte on Saturday to arrive in Costa Rica in time for my language classes that start on Monday! I am super excited about the “big move” and even more excited to see all the Lord is going to do. Pray for me as I navigate unfamiliar airports alone (I have a layover in Dallas).

I am currently at about 78% of my support! This means I still need about $3,800 more by the time I arrive in Honduras in the beginning of August in order to be able to effectively do ministry there. The Lord has continued to surprise me through this entire process and I have no doubt that he will raise the remaining funds. He never calls us without providing the means necessary. With that being said, I have exhausted my known resources (though not his) so if any of you are considering supporting me I would urge you to really spend time in prayer about it and to give joyfully and sacrificially. And if you know of anyone who has a heart for missions and may be interested in giving either one time or monthly forward this info along!

Please pray that language wouldn’t be a barrier and that I would pick up on Spanish quickly so that I am able to effectively serve the Lord in Honduras. Pray that my time in Costa Rica wouldn’t be overwhelming and that I would look to the Lord as my source of comfort. And also pray that through this whole process more of Christ and of his grace and provision would be revealed both to me and others.

Thanks for all your prayers and support!

In Christ,


“And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages should serve him.”    –Daniel 7:14