Monday, October 22, 2012

A Day of Firsts

So today I drove in Honduras for the first time! Shannon says to me, "Today is a great day for you to drive because I think all the lights are working" (as in all the stop lights in town, yes folks that's a rare thing. A stop light we go through daily was out for several weeks when it went out.)
Another first tonight: I was at Puerta de Esperanza and little J comes running through the house yelling, "Jenny, Jenny, Jenny". Today is first time I've ever heard her call me by name. She is developing such a little personality and is less of a baby and more of a little girl every time I see her.
 Little W was being super cute tonight too. He wanted a sip of my water, so I was trying to get him to do sign language for "please" (you rub your hand on your chest). He watched me with a "you must be crazy" look for a few seconds then rubbed his hand on MY chest, not his. He then looked at C and I confused when we were laughing at him.
Continue to be in prayer for my relationships with these girls, for C and for Y. That language wouldn't be a barrier and that I would be able to show them grace and love and most of all more of Jesus.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The family comes to visit Honduras

These past 5 days have been a whirlwind of catching up with family, showing them the sights of La Ceiba, and giving them a glimpse of my life and ministry here.

My grandfather and Josef playing Frisbee in La Fe at Kid's Club

My dad passing out candy to the children who could tell him what each color of the salvation beads represented. 

My mom and Stephanie
JR and Arnold playing soccer

My mom hanging out with Elias at Puerta de Esperanza

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Up, up, up

The babies at Puerta de Esperanza are learning simple sign language and English. E, who will be 2 in December, knows the most sign language. He knows the signs for "more", "please", and "thank you". When he wants something but you tell him no he signs, 'more please' really fast. It doesn't matter what it is, it could be a toy, water, or my cell phone. He thinks "more please" equals give me what I want.
J on the other hand who knows the most English (as a result of Shannon and I really only speaking to her and the other 2 babies in English),  knows if she wants someone to pick her up she has to say "up". In J language that means the same as signing "more please" to E. J says "up" for anything she wants. She wanted a magnet off the fridge the other day so what did she say? "up, up, up" over and over again until I handed her the magnet. Did I also mention J says "wuv you". Melts my heart every time:)