Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Lessons from Honduras

Things I learned about Honduras today....
#1 The post office gets robbed. Yes, that's right robbed. I went with Shannon to pick up a package today and the lady couldn't find it. After looking for 10 minutes she said, look we were robbed and they maybe stole it. This isn't the first time the post office has been robbed either....(They did eventual find her package, which was really only a card. Probably why it wasn't stolen)
#2 You can go into a copy shop and buy 5 sheets of blank computer paper. Don't need a whole pack? Well come to Honduras where you can buy paper by the sheet. (5 sheets cost us $.10)
#3 Two bags of Kashi cereal will set you back about $15 (yes for cereal, no I definitely didn't buy any)
#4 When the lights go out (which inevitably happens everyday) people flock to the mall to enjoy the generator-powered AC
#5 There are used clothing stores literally on EVERY corner. Great for me when I need shorts cause let me tell you there is no way I can wear the jeans and capris here that I wore in Costa Rica. I would die. So today Kate, Shannon, and I did a little shopping, Honduran style. 2 stores and $30 later I am now  the owner of 6 more pairs of shorts and a tank top. And these are totally things I would have bought in the states. I got some Old Navy, Gap and Target stuff (my 3 favorite stores). Oh and by the way while on the topic of used clothing stores Puerta de Esperanza (the home for young mothers and their babies) is opening a store! Today we went and moved all of the clothing that had been donated along with the racks into the store! Friday hopefully we'll get to paint and then well set the store up! This is an awesome way for the girls to work and become self-sufficient. Pray for paperwork to go smoothly (which would be an anomaly for Honduras) and that a contract could be signed next week so the store can open soon!

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