Friday, February 8, 2013

Busy Days

This week the house mom is on vacation. That means that both girls and babies are staying with us. Add in Shannon's soon to be children and we have a full house of kids. Just thought I would share a few funny moments from the past few days.....
8 year old Angel went with me to the ATM yesterday. The first ATM we went to was out of money (of course, why would an ATM have money??) so I said, "Well they were out of money so we'll go to a different one. We get to the next one and it gives me my money. Sweet Angel says, "Oh look, your money was in the this one that's why the other one didn't have any." We get back home and he tells everyone, "We had to go to 2 ATM's to find Jennifer's money!"
Later that afternoon one of the kids asked where Kate was. We said, "She went to Hawaii to visit a friend." Nicole says, "Oh, she went to 'howareyou' to visit a friend."
W got made because the older kids were playing Wii and wouldn't give him a controller so he found a toy shaped like a controller and proceeded to stand between the other kids and the TV with his toy and dance.
J got to learn about Pinterest this morning. She was sitting with me on the couch and saw a picture that had bright colors and said, "ooooo". I said, "J do you like that pretty picture?" She replies, "Si, me gusta!!" This funny girl understands all our English but mostly responds in Spanish.

In the midst of all this craziness we also met a potential new girl to come a live at the house. M is 23 and has a 4 month old baby daughter. Pray for her and for decisions to be made. She went through a lot of effort to find Shannon including going to the store where the girls work and eventually going to the garage where Shannon's fiance Lesther works.

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